
Does Notion Work on iPad?

Notion can be accessed from just about any device, including the Apple iPad. You don’t have to use Safari to do so, either: There’s a dedicated Notion for iPadOS client that can be downloaded from the App Store. This introduces the option to receive notifications for reminders, mentions, and other interactions that would have otherwise been unavailable, and adds support for Share Sheet.

For those unaware, Share Sheet is the name of the feature in iPadOS that lets you share files between applications. You know what we’re talking about – the rectangular icon with the upward arrow (seen below). Well, Notion for iPadOS adds the option to upload files straight to your Workspace without opening the Notion application. This is useful for saving documents, emails and websites.

The rest is much the same as Notion for Web, offering one-click access to your entire Workspace where you can access and edit files on the move. You even have the option to hammer on a wireless keyboard and use a wireless mouse to navigate. Remember, though: Notion does not support the Apple Pencil for handwriting, so you won’t be able to scribble notes in your Workspace.

Of course, you still have the option to create handwritten notes in a different application like GoodNotes 5 and import them to Notion when you’re done. Sure, this has its limitations (you need to edit the original file in the external application, before uploading the new version to Notion whenever you want to add, remove, or change something, for starters) but beggars can’t be choosers.

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