
How to Add a Template to Notion From a Notion.Site Page

There comes a time when searching for Notion templates that we land on a Page that we want to save to our own Workspace. You may not always be able to, however, as the creator needs to enable that option on their backend — but if they have, you can follow these steps to add a template to Notion from

Before we dive into the how, though, we should first establish what is. In a nutshell, it’s the domain extension that’s used to host a Notion Workspace when content is shared. An example would be You can customize the prefix of the address in the Workspace Settings menu.

How to Add a Template to Notion From Notion.Site

  1. Open the Page you want to save to your Notion Workspace.
  2. Click the Duplicate button located in the top-right corner.

Now that’s all taken care of, let’s dive into the instructions. You may be surprised to learn there aren’t any downloads involved, nor do you need to jump through countless loops. In fact, adding a template to Notion from Page on a domain is as simple as clicking the Duplicate button in the top-right corner.

Don’t see the button? This means the creator isn’t enabled the option to allow visitors to save the template. There isn’t a workaround at the moment, aside from recreating it in your own Workspace, piece by piece, or reaching out to the creator and requesting they turn on the duplicate feature.

How to Allow People to Add a Template to Notion From Notion.Site

  1. Open the Page you want to turn into a template.
  2. Click the share button in the top-right corner.
  3. Flick the switch next to ‘Share to Web’ to ON.
  4. Click the ‘Show Link Options’ button.
  5. Turn on the option entitled ‘Allow Duplicate as a Template’.
  6. Copy the link and share it with the recipient.

If you’ve created a Notion template that you want to share with the world, you can flick a switch on the Page to allow people to add it to their workspace. It takes no more than a minute and will allow you to create a link that allows the recipient to add the template to their Notion Workspace with the click of a button.

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